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Showing posts from January, 2017

2016 in review et Goals for the new year.

Hello guys!! Happy New Year and welcome to 2017!!! I’m glad we all made it through 2016. 2016 was really a year I must confess it came with many up sides and down sides too. Though I practically spent most part of the year in Akwa Ibom state for my NYSC. If you follow me on  instagram  you will know this already.  Akwa ibom, Uyo the capital is a very beautiful city with lots of tourist attractions like Le’ meridian hotel, Tropicana mall, Ibeno beach, God’swill Akpabio stadium and Oron museum just to mention a few. I don’t want to sound like a "waka waka"  but I visited almost all those lovely places 😉 it was part of my goals... My NYSC experience though frustrating at the beginning but with time, I learnt to love it all the same I felt so uninterested in all the activities ranging from Community Service Development and Clearance at first but I enjoyed the teaching part... weird right? Made some new friends and also had some experiences that can never repeat i