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Showing posts from 2022

To Post or Not to Post

Hey dear! Saw the post below in my draft. It dates back to 2019! all I can say is that life comes in seasons and whatever you're facing, good or bad will pass.  Shortly after this phase, 2020 came and the most tragic event hit me hard! I lost my Dad. This felt like the end for me but that same year, I found love. It wasn't smooth sailing after that though. Don't worry, I didn't chop breakfast :D Enjoy! Mid-Life Crisis at Halfway through 50. Wasn't sure whether to put this post out or not. But the year 2019 showed me so much. I was on a verge of giving up. I learned so much. With a number of dates with sleepless nights filled with hot tears and subbing. I felt the whole world working against me. Nothing seemed to work in my favour.  I tried to find happiness in many things. Instagram was my go-to. Stalked so many people I admired and wanted to be like because it seemed like they had things all figured out and looked so happy on the outside. I started to emulate