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The Four Agreements. Lessons Learnt. - Good Reads Series

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel

Hi there, thanks for stopping by!

I have always been fascinated with learning. Doesn't matter the field so far I can comprehend what exactly I am trying to learn and it makes sense, then it's fine. I can go on and on about how much I know about the female reproductive system. I stumbled on so much knowledge to feed my curiosity.

YouTube is my best friend when it comes to learning. I made a random search and I found a channel I fell in love with instantly LAVENDAIRE. I hit the subscribe button with no hesitation. Her channel is about personal growth, style and design. she made a video about 20 must-read books. The four agreement was one of them since it was a short read, I downloaded an e copy and began to read. Viola I was hooked! This is coming from someone who isn't so much much of a reader. I completed the book in 3 days.

So what got me hooked?

As the title suggests, this book explains four specific sources of "self-limiting beliefs" that robs us of joy. These "self-limiting beliefs" are transformed into four agreements that the author emphasised we should make with ourselves to maximise happiness and be at peace with our thoughts. I'd like to refer to The Four agreements as Mantras that we are most likely familiar with.

The first Agreement - Be Impeccable with your word

"Your word is the most powerful tool you have as a human"

The Second Agreement - Don't Take Anything Personally. Taking things personally just shows how selfish you are.

The Third Agreement - Don't Make Assumptions. Virtually all the drama we have lived in our lives is rooted in making assumptions and taking things personally.

The Fourth Agreement - Always Do Your Best. Regardless of the quality, Keep doing the best no more no less than the best.

Interesting already right? More details on the four agreements can be found in each chapter and ways to implement them into your daily life. I found the agreements so useful as it helped me categorise my daily feeling in four unique ways.

Has the book helped me?

Like many of us are, I make assumptions about so many things instead of asking questions, simply communicate to make things easier, Nooo! I feel I already know. whenever I find myself making assumptions even if it's based on facts, and there's a medium I can ask questions, I find myself using the third agreement to clarify the information and not make silly assumptions.

I usually use the anybook app from google play store to download ebooks.


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Hey dear thanks for stopping by! My name is Tolulope Olowookere but you can simply call me Tolu. A lover of God, life,style and fabulous stuff. I would be blogging about my personal life, faith, style, travel and other things that interest me. You are welcome!  XO💙💙